The first two workshops will be a four-part exploration into movements, practices and meditations using seasonal and nature metaphors as well as feminine archetypes, including goddesses and historical figures, as creative inspiration and expression. In these workshops, we will work with the concepts of dance as a metaphor for life; life as a metaphor for creating dance.
WARNING: Sex is inherent in these cycles and these movements, as is death, pain and rage. Expect adult topics and adult language to be used in these workshops.
WINTER: This is the time of hibernation, incubation, rejuvenation, reincarnation, when the creative spark of inspiration moves within us. Winter will take us through conception in the void through germination.
SPRING: This is the time of birthing, growth, innocence, playfulness, when we undergo the first trials of a creative project. Spring brings us from birth through adolescence.
SUMMER: Summer is the time of blossoming, soaring, creating, protecting, nurturing, honing. What began as a practice or an idea, is now a fully formed presentation of the project/idea/dance/dancer at its height. Summer is the time of full maturity as an adult.
AUTUMN: The time of ripening, purification, mastery, loss, acceptance, release. This is the completion of a cycle or idea which lays the seeds for the next cycle in our lives. This is when we pass from maturity to death.
THE ART OF THE DRUM SOLO: Learn to create combos and drum solos that express your unique style. In this workshop you will learn to hear and express rhythms, patterns and melodic phrasing in percussive music. Practices will be included for acquiring speed and precision in the intricate movements used in Drum Solo, plus tips for working with live drummers (which is so much more entertaining than dead ones).